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Japan Industrial Standard (JIS) Nib Manufacturer Numbers

(This page revised January 29, 2024)

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It has probably never been the case that all pen manufacturers, whether in the first tier or not, have produced all of their own nibs. For Japanese pens, at least, it is sometimes possible to identify the manufacturer of the nib in a given pen. The Japanese Standards Association develops and maintains a set of standards, inaugurated in 1949, that apply to many products. Since the early 1950s, the Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) symbol has been applied to indicate certification of products that adhere to applicable standards, much as the Underwriters Laboratories’ UR symbol is applied in the United States or the Conformité Européen CE symbol in Europe. The left-hand symbol in the table below was the official JIS mark until October 1, 2005, at which time the right-hand symbol replaced it. Manufacturers were given a three-year grace period for the changeover; thus, use of the older symbol was permitted until September 30, 2008.

Because certification is not free of cost, some manufacturers have never marked products not intended for export.

If the nib in the pen under consideration bears the JIS mark, then it will almost always bear a four-digit number assigned by the JSA to identify the manufacturer. In some cases, the number is partially or completely hidden within the section, and it will be necessary to remove the nib from the pen to see the number.

Not all of the factories listed here are known to have made fountain pens nibs. Some, such as Sanwa Ltd. (Tachikawa), are known for dip nibs only.

The table below lists the currently known JIS numbers assigned to nib manufacturers together with the identities of those manufacturers. The names of factories not known to have produced fountain pen nibs are printed in blue and enclosed in <angle brackets>. A designation of Job Shop in the Brand Name(s) column indicates a manufacturer who produces nibs only to order, for sale to pen manufacturers. Brand names printed in red and enclosed in [brackets] indicate brands not associated with the nib manufacturer in whose list they appear, but in whose pens nibs by that manufacturer are known to have been used.

Old JIS Mark Japan Industrial Standard Nib Manufacturer Numbers New JIS Mark
Number Factory Founder or Owner Brand Name(s)

2585 Zebra Co., Ltd. Tokumatsu Ishikawa Zebra
3212 Currently unknown Currently unknown KSD
3231 Ishikawa-Kinpen Seisakusho Seisaku Ishikawa Ferme, [Goodman,] Kumiai, Parley, Spert, Teitoku
3232 Kawakami-Giken Haruo Kawakami Job Shop, [Best Pen,] [Comet,] [Skater]
3233 Kabutogi-Seisakusho Ginjirō Kabutogi [Dia,] Ideal, S.S.S. (Sanesper), Steady, Swallow, etc.
3234 Kubo-Seisakusho Bunji Kubo Nobel
3235 Imanishi-Kinpen Tarō Imanishi Job Shop, [Vanco]
3236 Ishihara-Seisakusho Ishihara family Job Shop
3237 Kusunoki-Seisakusho Shokichi Kusunoki Coral
3238 Fuji-pen-Seisakusho Job Shop
3239 Kamba-Seisakusho Tsunejirō Kamba Job Shop
3240 Maruzen Aoto Maruzen Co. Athena, Orion
3241 Master Man’nenhitsu Yoshimasa Masuda Master
3242 Nihon Man’nenhitsu Hidematsu Shindō Panly
3243 Nakamura Pensaki-Seisakusho Nakamura family Job Shop
3244 Elliot Man’nenhitsu Yoshikazu Uesugi Elliot
3245 Hashimoto Pensaki-Seisakusho Hashimoto family Job Shop
3246 Opal Man’nenhitsu Shin’ichi Naoi Opal
3247 Takizawa Kinpen-Seisakusho Takizawa family Job Shop
3248 Pilot Hiratsuka factory Ryōsuke Namiki Namiki, Pilot
3249 Pilot Shimura (Tokyo) factory Ryōsuke Namiki Namiki, Pilot
3250 Platinum Man’nenhitsu Shunichi Nakata Platinum, President
3251 Morison Man’nenhitsu Yoshiyuki Tanigawa Morison, ThreeStar
3252 Sailor Man’nenhitsu Sakata-Seisakusho Sailor
3253 Teikoku Kinpen Teikin, Teikoku
3254 Honda Kinpen-Seisakusho Honda family Job Shop, [Ferme,] [Makoto] [Steady]
3417 Henckel-Shoji Takeo Tanaka Henckel
3418 Asahi Kinpen Job Shop
3832 Honda Pensaki Shigekazu Honda Job Shop
3833 Sakiyama-Seisakusho Sakiyama family Job Shop, [Well]
3834 Sakai-Seisakusho Sakai family Job Shop
3855 Sekiguchi Pensaki Sekiguchi family Job Shop
3903 Zebra Co., Ltd. Tokumatsu Ishikawa Zebra
3906 <Sanwa Ltd.> Tachikawa
4324 Naitō Pensaki-Seisakusho Naitō family Job Shop
4366 Hatanaka Kōseido Hatanaka family [Hosei,] [Makoto,] [Reiyōn,] [Steady,] Venus
4622 Kabutogi-Seisakusho Tabata Ginjirō Kabutogi [Ferme,] [Gem,] Great, Seilon, Steady, [Victor]
4623 Imai Pensaki-Seisakusho Imai family Job Shop
4624 Naitō Pensaki-Seisakusho Naitō family Job Shop, [Steady]
4625 Tokyo Taisan Pen Toyokichi Shinji Job Shop
4626 Akimoto-Seisakusho Akimoto Job Shop
4922 Kabutogi-Seisakusho Ginjirō Kabutogi Reuter (Inaba-Shokat OEM)
4978 Tōkyō Trust Kōgyō Ozawa Job Shop
6008 <Nikko Pen Co., Ltd.> Lion, Nikko
6997 Suzuki Pensaki-Seisakusho Suzuki family Yukihoshi

The information in this article is as accurate as possible, but you should not take it as absolutely authoritative or complete. If you have additions or corrections to this page, please consider sharing them with us to improve the accuracy of our information.

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